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People tend to learn English rapidly and effectively when they are involved. Possibly, completely involved as a person and as a professional.

So unconventional teaching can help, and the use of different practical tools. What you see in the picture is a real lesson, where we have made use of videos and genuine audios spoken by native and non-native speakers. For maximum exposure to real English.

Anything unclear or needing further explanation goes on the whiteboard, or on the flipchart, for a high level of interaction. Through discussion and involvement, while having fun.

You’ll notice from the picture that lessons which are so interactive may bring surprises. Such as the discussion, today, about the Bogof from the marketing department.

As well as the terminology related to digital marketing, such as WOMM.

The more interaction, the more students learn with their Manager-Teacher (<<< follow the link for more info) from Allpolyglot.

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Body Language is also Language

The importance of body language

It’s communication* like any other form of communication. An extensive evaluation has been conducted into the relationships between posture and personality.

* /kəˌmjuː.nɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ noun – the act of communicating with people

Recent study by Amy Cuddy has shown that “Your body language shapes who you are” so this form of communication may affect others and yourself as well.

Body language is an important part of communication which can constitute 50% or more of what we are communicating. If you wish to communicate well, then it makes sense to understand how you can (and cannot) use your body to say what you mean.

It’s well known that good communication is the foundation of any successful relationship, be it personal or professional. It’s important to recognize, though, that it’s our nonverbal communication—our facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, posture, and tone of voice—that speak the loudest. The ability to understand and use nonverbal communication, or body language, is a powerful tool that can help you connect with others, express what you really mean, and build better relationships.

Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success.

Social psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Amy Cuddy teaches leadership at Harvard, earned her PhD from Princeton University and has served on the faculties of Harvard Business School and Northwestern University.


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Tempo di mettersi all’opera

2021 è l’anno della svolta

Questa è la volta buona per imparare il Business English con un ManagerTeacher

I 5 vantaggi dell’inglese per la tua carriera?

  1. Crea un network più internazionale. Parlare inglese fa la differenza nella relazione con clienti e fornitori, ed anche con i colleghi: conoscerlo bene aumenterà le tue occasioni di stringere accordi commerciali, operando in modo efficace ed eliminando il rischio di incomprensioni.
  2. Internet. La maggior parte dei siti più interessanti ed utili per la tua professione sono in inglese. I siti web, i blog e le riviste più interessanti per il tuo settore sono pubblicati in inglese e spesso non è disponibile una traduzione. Inoltre se partecipi a webinar professionali e formazioni anche gratuite, scopri case history e ti tieni aggiornato senza difficoltà.
  3. Gestisci la tua carriera. Crea opportunità maggiori per il tuo profilo professionale. Scrivi ed aggiorna il tuo CV in inglese e tienilo pronto per i siti di recruitmente e headhunting che cercano manager internazionali. Preparati a sostenere colloqui in inglese. In questo modo aumenterai le tue opportunità di carriera sia in Italia che all’estero.
  4. Comunica in inglese. Scrivi email in un inglese corretto, in modo veloce ed efficace. Oppure telefona capendo e facendoti capire con un vocabolario corretto. E così diventi più produttivo. Sei in grado di fare una presentazione in inglese?
  5. Viaggia in libertà. Se devi visitare i tuoi clienti o fornitori, ed i colleghi, spesso dovrai viaggiare. Inoltre fiere, convention ed eventi internazionali probabilmente sono fondamentali nel tuo lavoro, quindi conoscere bene l’inglese ti consentirà di parteciparvi con profitto ed in totale autonomia.

Ecco perché lezioni individuali con un manager esperto che è anche altamente qualificato per insegnare l’inglese ti saranno utilissime e ti aiuteranno ad imparare più velocemente. Di modo che tu possa applicare ciò che imparerai da subito, nel tuo lavoro.

Lezioni individuali per manager da parte degli specialisti del Business English,

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Business English – learn with a manager-teacher


Business English – learn the language you need for business with one of our manager-teachers, qualified teachers and also experienced managers. Our teachers are both.

It’s true that a manager doesn’t necessarily make a good teacher.

Nor is a teacher a manager in business.

Therefore our teachers are qualified for both, to teach, and to manage. They are qualified as teachers, and qualified as managers. And behold, the manager-teacher is here, one person and qualified for both tasks. Come and meet us to see their pedigree.

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Business presentations

Presenting to customers in English

Doing a business presentation and sales pitch. What does it involve?

You are the center stage.

Your presentation or pitch deck is just your tool, use slides to lead, not read. They should paraphrase and enhance what’s coming out of your mouth. A well-structured presentation and a superbly executed pitch are the fastest and easiest way for you to explain your business to customers or investors. 

But you need to train yourself and rehearse with an experienced teacher in business.

“Practice makes Perfect”


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Allpolyglot at BacktoWork24


Simple, easy, convenient, is the revolution in learning foreign languages with the exchange of “live” language lessons for everyone.

To encourage the “cultural shock” of lessons with a mother tongue, but by talking about your interests. Teach and learn your favourite language, where it looks right for you and most convenient, and when it makes you more comfortable.

Our technology allows each of us to be a teacher in our mother tongue and exchange with foreign language lessons with anyone in the world.

This video was filmed at #backtowork24 by RAI3.

The video with the two founders at Il Sole 24 Ore – BackToWork24 in Milan.